This is the award presentation video for Missionary Hattie B. Humphrey at the GMWA Detroit Chapter’s 2016 Women Impacting The World Concert and Awards.

This is the award presentation video for Missionary Hattie B. Humphrey at the GMWA Detroit Chapter’s 2016 Women Impacting The World Concert and Awards.
Official website: | #Unladylike2020PBS Tye Leung Schulze resisted domestic servitude and an arranged child marriage to provide translation services...
Film has the power to change the way we think about ourselves and our culture. Documentarian and TED Fellow...
WiNGS addresses social and economic challenges to move families from poverty to financial stability, career readiness, small business development...
Welcome back to PSA Thursday, a mostly-weekly segment in which we talk about how to handle money, work, and...
► 11 Sexiest Things Men Wear According To Women | The Art of Seduction 👍 Enjoyed the video? Like, comment,...
Douglas Kihiko, artist and founder of Graffiti Girls Kenya, talks of the life-changing effects of street art on Kenyan...
Yale law professor Daniel Markovits says the system that values hard work and promotes the American dream is in...
Climate Change impacts women and girls disproportionately. source
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