The Power of Women Helping Women | Chidiogo Akunyili | TEDxDiscoveryParkWomen

Women can be powerful allies for each other in life — and are uniquely qualified to do so because we experience many of the same challenges. When a woman helps another woman, they both benefit. And when women celebrate one
another’s accomplishments, we’re all lifted up. Chidiogo Akunyili is the Founder of She ROARs – Reimagining Our Africa Rising —a Pan-African community empowering women to unleash their full potential and that of the continent.

She is a writer, storyteller, and movement builder who is impacting global narrative based in her belief and championship of the power of people to change the world. Her philosophy is founded on the humanist African concept of Ubuntu — ‘I am because you are. You are because we are’ — upholding and celebrating our shared humanity.

Having lived and worked across 5 continents, Chidiogo speaks 7 of the world’s languages including Chinese, English, French, German, Igbo, Italian and Spanish — invaluable tools that bridge lives, people and their global realities.

She is a World Economic Forum Global Leadership Fellow; and Associate Fellow of Nigerian Leadership Initiative. She was named ‘100 most influential Young Africans’ by Africa Youth Awards; ‘100 most Influential Nigerians’ This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at



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