What Are The World's Biggest Problems?

Exploring The Creepy Urban Ruins Of Chernobyl
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Nuclear accidents produced some of the worst disasters in history. So, what happened and what are the most radioactive places on earth?

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Health Effects

«Health effects are the central focus of EPA’s Radiation Protection Programs.»

Why the Fukushima disaster is worse than Chernobyl

«Yoshio Ichida is recalling the worst day of his 53 years: 11 March, when the sea swallowed up his home and killed his friends.»

Kyrgyz Town Lives with Radioactive Soviet Legacy

«Residents of the town of Mailuu-Suu in Kyrgyzstan are accustomed to living next to radioactive waste.»

Cleanup Sites

«As the largest environmental cleanup program in the world, EM has been charged with the responsibility of cleaning up 107 sites across the country whose area is equal to the combined area of Rhode Island and Delaware.»


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