The Devastating Impact of COVID on Women & Girls

You may have heard that COVID is impacting men far more than women. But the negative impact of COVID on the lives of women and girls while less obvious, may reverberate for decades. How? Let me explain…

Safety: Gender based violence is on the rise as it usually is in times of crisis. With the pandemic forcing people to stay at home, women are trapped with their abuser. 

Jobs: One in three jobs held by women has been designated as essential. Nonwhite women are more likely to be doing essential jobs than anyone else. The work they do has historically been underpaid, undervalued and in this case dangerous.  Yet they keep the country running.  So far, more than a third of women in the U.S. have experienced a major disruption to their income because of the pandemic—including being laid off, furloughed, receiving a pay cut or having their hours reduced. Black women are twice as likely as white men to report one of these things happening to them. 

Education: Girls education is not a priority in many parts of the world. With children out of school, not only are girls not getting educated, they’re being assigned more caregiving and domestic chores. They’re also less likely to return to school. 

Healthcare: COVID has had a hugely negative impact on women’s right to access healthcare.This includes everything from adequate facilities to give birth, therefore increasing maternal deaths as well as that of babies, to reproductive rights. It’s reported that around 9.5 million vulnerable women and girls risk losing access to contraception and safe abortion services.  

Childcare: How do they take care of their children and teach their children while they’re at work without the support of childcare? How many have to interrupt their jobs and careers?

So what can you do to help reduce the impact on women and girls: If you’re male, support your significant other and share the burdens of childcare. Donate to shelters. Donate to programs that support girls education. Donate to low income schools so they can find ways to support virtual learning. SEEK OUT THE VOICES OF WOMEN AND GIRLS. You can make a difference.

Tell me in the comments below what was the most surprising thing from this video? Stay safe and thanks for watching.


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