After Solicitation I Commence Transmission Proper @ 5:00 – which be when I Deliver Historical Summary per Women’s Sufferage and The Nineteenth Amendment to segue into Race-&-Riot(s).
‘T’‘is from there through-to 7:00 that our Transmission be Dedicated to Historical Context ‘o’ why This Year (2020) is proving itself The Worst Year In American History and how The World is Reacting to Said Fact.
The Police Reform Thèmatic @ 7:05 lasts through-to 9:01 – @ which point I Instruct The Student-Listener in Discernment : How to Process Mis / Reported Coverage ‘o’ our Current Civil Conflict.
That War Mis / Reportage Processing Instruction lasts ‘til 9:53 – @ which point we Break for BEN ASTENIUS’ Promotion and thereafter Enter Thèmatic ‘o’ how Violent Sociorehabilitation be Sanctified for Whites but Denied unto Blacks.
THAT Thèmatic Continuest through-to 10:17, when we Segue into Thème ‘o’ The Protests Definitively ushering-in a Coronaviral Spike – by which point I then turn toward(s) Subject ‘o’ CV—19 Impacting America By-The-numbers In Human Terms, Ending @ 11:17.
@ 11:19 I Address the Contemporary State ‘o’ Domestic and Global Macroëconomics through-to 11:27, whereupon I turn toward(s) the reason why Trump’s bizarre attempt to Restructure The G7 (Group-‘o’-Seven) betrays his desperation in downfall.
From 11:40—11:42 I spend twa minutes (2mns) Prefacing The Next Subject-@-Hand : Our Immediate Transitional Period in The Present Moment Transitioning us from the onset-‘o’-2020 on The First-‘o’-January but Twenty-Twa (22) Weeks Agone into The Twenty-Twa (22) Weeks Remaining Ahead until our November Election – hitting our Listeners w / mind-numbing facts about how unbelievably much Our World has sundered since New Year’s Eve.