How to MOTIVATE Yourself, Overcome Self Doubt and ACHIEVE Your Goals | Lisa Bilyeu

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It’s been said that more than 90% of people never achieve their goals. A big part of women and men failing their goals ties into fear of failing and being too scared to even dream of better. Lisa is experienced at handling multi-million dollar companies, leading teams, creating content that makes the world a better place, and becoming a bestselling author. In this Q&A, Lisa is sharing exactly how she prioritizes her goals and what you can do to create a toolbox that will help you stay the course and accomplish what you set out to achieve.


Goal Setting | Lisa on how motivation impacts achieving your goal [0:26]
Transform Your Life | How to undertake a complete life transformation and prioritize [8:03]
Steps to Your Goal | Lisa breaks down exact steps to achieving massive goals [14:53]
Stick to Your Goal | How to stick with your game plan and if it’s time to change goals [20:26]
Time Management | Lisa’s strategy for managing time and prioritizing all that she does [22:30]
Setup for Success | Making sure that you’re able to get back up after failing a goal [35:03]
Your Own Hero | Lisa reveals why not have family support doesn’t stop your goals [37:25]


“When s**t hits the fan, I just feel s****y about myself, that reminder of what my goal is, doesn’t frickin help. It doesn’t snap me out of this negative downward spiral” [2:44]

“Start on one aspect of your life in transforming that. And over time, you will actually start to see it already starts to interconnect with the other parts of your life.” [13:59]

“People change their path because of the difficulty it is to get to the goal, not because they don’t want the goal itself.” [21:10]

“If you are setting a goal. It won’t be easy. If you are setting a goal, you fall on your frickin’ face. […] now we have to say is Is this the goal unwilling to fall on my face for.” [21:59]

“Even though you’ve decided these are the things that you love to do, there’s going to be some times that you don’t actually act in accordance, and you don’t show up for the things that you’ve said.” [23:48]

“Break every preconceived notion of how you do things.” [32:14]

“I realized I’m the hero of my own life. Everything starts and ends with me.” [39:43]


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