ArtsXchange Presents  Empowering Women Impacting Change in Arts and Social Justice

In honor of women’s history month, the ArtsXchange invited 6 women to speak on womanhood, impacting change, arts, and social justice.

These women are from different backgrounds and span across the generations from Ancestry, legacy connection, elder, mature woman, and young women.

These women are in the fields of media, mental health, film, dance, visual arts, politics, and more.

Join us in honoring our featured Empowering Women of Impact
Ida B Wells ~ Ancestor
Tiana Ferrel ~ Legacy ~ Great Great Granddaughter of Ida B Wells
Dr. Theresa Howard ~ Elder
Sonia Osia ~ Mature Woman
Samiyah Malk ~ Woman of Today
Phyllise Tolliver ~ Young Woman
Ja’Siah Young ~ Young Woman


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