The SHOCKING TRUTH about Alzheimer's & Dementia In WOMEN | Dr. Daniel Amen

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On Today’s Episode:

If you ever needed a louder, clearer, better reason to start taking care of your brain this is it! Women are more likely to get Alzheimer’s than men, and the shocking truth is that it starts in your brain decades before the first symptom!

Sound the alarm and grab a seat, you’re going to need all the time and determination you have to start changing the habits that have been doing more harm than good on your brain health.

Dr. Daniel Amen, founder of Amen Clinics has scanned brains from all over the world and has one of the largest databases of brain imaging anywhere. He’s scanned brains of A-list celebrities and thought leaders such as Justin Beiber, Jay Shetty, his wife Radhi, and even Lisa’s homie Mel Robbins.

In the next hour you’re going to walk away better than ever armed with the knowledge you need to start examining which habits you have that are destroying your brain health:

Why you’re at greater risk for anxiety and depression thanks to the emotional side of your brain
Using your woman super power to be all over the place doing everything may actually be undiagnosed A.D.H.D. that is killing your o*****s.
What you can do with 5 minutes a day to start falling in love with your brain.

Dr. Amen is a psychiatrist that has been helping people recover from traumatic brain injury, emotional trauma, childhood trauma, addiction and more. The female brain has developments and experiences unique to women that men do not. Understanding that difference alone is life changing.

Check out Dr. Amen’s New Book: Change Your Brain Every Day:


“If you are blessed to live to be 85 or older you have a one in two chance of having dementia or having lost your mind, […] and Alzheimer’s disease starts in your brain decades before you have any symptoms.”

“Your brain is involved with every decision that you make. It’s the o***n of loving, learning, and behaving. And when it works right, you tend to work right.”

“I love my mind, but it’s a trouble maker.”

“It’s the undisciplined mind that’s driving the epidemic of teenage depression.”

“Every part of your brain you don’t use becomes less active over time.”

“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary feeling.”

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