How the media affects youth | Oda Faremo Lindholm | TEDxOslo

In this talk Oda Faremo Lindholm points to how continued, and growing, use of sexualisation and prejudice gender roles in media effects a generation of youth that’s consuming record high levels of media, from a record low age.

Oda Lindholm is an historian, writer and a journalist. She started her carrier as a journalist at the age of 19, when she started writing for the free magazine called Natt&Dag. At the age of 23, she was a journalist at Dagsavisen, and responsible for the columns about culture, politics and readers’ comments section. At the age of 26, she published her first book, «Bullshitfiltert», and has been nominated to a prestigious literary award, «Brageprisen».

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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