Award-winning writer and campaigner Caroline Criado-Perez, speaks with New Scientist medical reporter Clare Wilson about how systematic gender biases...
Public Articles
How do fast-paced video games affect the brain? Step into the lab with cognitive researcher Daphne Bavelier to hear...
How a Cop Lead with Humanity to Change the World of Addiction | Tom Synan | TEDxUCincinnati
Tutor Synthetintelligence™, , 14. News & Events, 0For the record, I am a cop. Off the record, I am a human being. When addiction forced those...
Special Womens Meeting | 17th April 2020 | Mrs Satya Vijaya Kumar & Mrs Blessie Wesly
Tutor Synthetintelligence™, , 14. News & Events, 0Welcome to John Wesly International Ministries and John Wesly Foundation. God has anointed Man of God, John Wesly to...
An ethical plan for ending the pandemic and restarting the economy | Danielle Allen
Tutor Synthetintelligence™, , 14. News & Events, 0Visit to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk recommendations and more. As COVID-19 continues...
How the coronavirus pandemic is changing the world | Fareed Zakaria
Tutor Synthetintelligence™, , 14. News & Events, 0Visit to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk recommendations and more. The coronavirus pandemic... and Women Impacting Public Policy talk about the ways technology affects women small business owners and how they...
How could veganism change the world? | The Economist
Tutor Synthetintelligence™, , 14. News & Events, 0Interest in vegan food and its associated health benefits has been booming across the rich world. A global retreat...
Trump, White House Coronavirus Task Force Hold Briefing | NBC News
Tutor Synthetintelligence™, , 14. News & Events, 0Watch coronavirus livestream coverage of the outbreak as COVID-19 spreads, impacting markets and daily life across the U.S. and...
How is coronavirus impacting prisoners? | The Stream
Tutor Synthetintelligence™, , 14. News & Events, 0The coronavirus is sweeping through one of the world’s largest and most vulnerable populations – prisoners. Experts are warning...
Tutor Synthetintelligence™, , 14. News & Events, 0Los canales de Venecia limpios como nunca, un aire menos contaminado en China, Córdoba llena de grillos, el fenómeno...
How is COVID-19 Impacting Women & Girls Globally | Live Discussion
Tutor Synthetintelligence™, , 14. News & Events, 0Strong Women Strong World next gen hosted a live discussion to share the impacts of COVID-19 on women and...